Over the last generation or so scholars have become increasingly aware that language is not just the way people talk; it’s a way of shaping the mind for action. We can call that insight the New Philology, and put it to work in understanding what’s been happening in Washington..
In his 1981 inaugural address Ronald Regan said, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. “ It was cute, cleverly phrased and memorable, but no one took it literally – until recently. It was just talk.
A year ago, though, a group who took this glib bilge quite literally decided to storm the Capitol. Now inside the Capitol a small but fanatical group seems to be applying it to the selection of a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Some of them are explicit about their motives; “Tear it down,” they say. Why not, if government is really the problem?
The moral of this story is clear: Better watch what you say, and if you detect someone else spewing glib bilge call it out before it turns into
In his 1981 inaugural address Ronald Regan said, “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. “ It was cute, cleverly phrased and memorable, but no one took it literally – until recently. It was just talk.
A year ago, though, a group who took this glib bilge quite literally decided to storm the Capitol. Now inside the Capitol a small but fanatical group seems to be applying it to the selection of a Speaker of the House of Representatives. Some of them are explicit about their motives; “Tear it down,” they say. Why not, if government is really the problem?
The moral of this story is clear: Better watch what you say, and if you detect someone else spewing glib bilge call it out before it turns into