How do the Greek and Roman Classics make a serious contribution to civic well-being at a time that seems to be tilting toward demagogy and autocracy?
David Brooks has an answer and, I believe, is on the right track in his article “The Dark Century” (New York Times February 18 2022 writes:
“While the Constitution guarded against abuses of power, the founders recognized that a much more important set of civic practices would mold people to be capable of being self-governing citizens: … ; leaders were to receive classical education, so they might understand human virtue and vice and the fragility of democracy “
Elitist? Nostalgic? Outdated? Quaint? OK, sure, but come up with a better way of sustaining a democracy – right now, when autocrats and their Wannabees abound, the Know Nothings are riding high, and the Great Demagogue is standing in the wings, ready to step on stage and dominate our lives once again. The answer is not modelling or catering to narcissism.
Don‘t take my word for it. Read Brooks’ essay with an open and critical mind. Then tell us what you think.
David Brooks has an answer and, I believe, is on the right track in his article “The Dark Century” (New York Times February 18 2022 writes:
“While the Constitution guarded against abuses of power, the founders recognized that a much more important set of civic practices would mold people to be capable of being self-governing citizens: … ; leaders were to receive classical education, so they might understand human virtue and vice and the fragility of democracy “
Elitist? Nostalgic? Outdated? Quaint? OK, sure, but come up with a better way of sustaining a democracy – right now, when autocrats and their Wannabees abound, the Know Nothings are riding high, and the Great Demagogue is standing in the wings, ready to step on stage and dominate our lives once again. The answer is not modelling or catering to narcissism.
Don‘t take my word for it. Read Brooks’ essay with an open and critical mind. Then tell us what you think.