“Scorpion” as a Name for a Police Squad:
Naming a special police unit ‘Scorpion” did not cause Tyre Nichols’ death, but it should have been a warning to those setting up that unit. Scorpions are not choosey about who gets hit. These poisonous critters will bite the hand that feeds them, make no mistake about it, and a clever acronym, “Street Crime Operation to Restore Peace In Our Neighborhoods” should not have obscured the perils that lay ahead. Scorpions are asunpredictable as they are poisonous. Watch out.
Even in a well-intentioned plan the rectification of language matters
How Many Does It Take to Make a Mob?
In a mob each participant eggs the other on to do things they would not do individually. At some point mob psychology kicks in. So, how many does it take to make a mob? I’d usually guess in the dozens, if not in the hundreds, but maybe five is quite enough.
Naming a special police unit ‘Scorpion” did not cause Tyre Nichols’ death, but it should have been a warning to those setting up that unit. Scorpions are not choosey about who gets hit. These poisonous critters will bite the hand that feeds them, make no mistake about it, and a clever acronym, “Street Crime Operation to Restore Peace In Our Neighborhoods” should not have obscured the perils that lay ahead. Scorpions are asunpredictable as they are poisonous. Watch out.
Even in a well-intentioned plan the rectification of language matters
How Many Does It Take to Make a Mob?
In a mob each participant eggs the other on to do things they would not do individually. At some point mob psychology kicks in. So, how many does it take to make a mob? I’d usually guess in the dozens, if not in the hundreds, but maybe five is quite enough.