OMG! He liked it! PROTUS, the President of the United States, the big guy, up there in Trump tower, thought my blog posting of February 8th - the one explaining the 2016 election was “definitive proof the election was rigged, big tome. .” He sent it out on his twitter feed to millions of people world-wide, the largest audience for a zombie in the history of the American presidency.
He liked it so much that he sent over to my garret SAOSOCOA (Senior Administration Official Speaking on Condition of Anonymity) to say thanks- and to ask a favor.
“We are, frankly, flummoxed by all these demands for ‘evidence.’ They wanted it for immigration policy; now they want it for Obama’s wiretapping scandal.. What the hell is evidence? We know what has to be done and who should be doi9ng it. What is this ‘evidence,’ stuff??” asked SAOSOCOA,
“No idea,” I replied. “Never had anything to do wit it myself. I majored in Necromancy, not Philosophy..”
“But you have a network of people who do know.- like that smart zombie in your blog post. Ask him to come up and explain it all to me.”
That gave me a really good idea., so I told him, “Look, it’s not as easy as that. It’s not like calling an Uber car. But if you really want to find out about evidence, meet me ta the main entrance to the Rock Creek Cemetery, a little before midnight tonight, and I will call someobe for you...”
“Than you, thank you.PROTUSe will be very grateful. He never forgets a friend. “
“Fine,” I responded, “but be sure to bring a picnic cooler with a quart of 2% milk - organic of course. And some honey, ”
“Will do,”
“And a bottle of Chateau La Fitte 1959..”
“That might be hard to find. “
“Look,” I said, “these guys under ground in the cemetery are fussy. Only the best is good enough. Do you want them to help or don’t you?”
He folded, just like The Art of the Deal said he would. We had a deal! We were on for midnight.
To be continued!