Back in February I used my degree in Necromancy to help explain the 2016 election. Trump loved it and sent SAOSOCOA (Senior Administration Official Speaking on Condition of Anonymity) for help in figuring out what ‘evidence’ means. This is a follow up on the report of that conversation in a blog posting a few days ago.
SAOSOCOA, our Senior Administration Official Speaking on Condition of Anonymity, arrived at the cemetery on time, but in a foul mood.
“That bottle of Chateau La Fitte set me back almost 4.000 bucks. Overrated just like Meryl Streep. French stuff. Overpriced. You can get good American wine from Idaho – a red state -for ten bucks. This séance, - or whatever it is.= better be worth it.”
“Don’t worry; you’ll get your money’s worth,”I assured her.
So we entered the cemetery, found a good spot, dug a little hole with a trowel I had brought, I told SAOSOCOA to pour in the quart of milk, mix in a little honey, and then “just a soupcon” of the Chateau La Fitte..
“Whoa! Not too much!” I whispered.
“What should I do with the rest of the wine?” she asked.
“Leave the bottle in the cooler .. I’ll take care of it..”
Sure enough with a few incantations I had learned in college the maître d’, arose from the pit and asked what we wanted to order., “An old style empiricist,” I answered.
“How about a post-modernist epistemologist? They are dying off and no one knows whatr to do with them.”
“No way!” I shouted. (You have to be emphatic, just like The Art of the Deal tells you. Especially with spooks.) “Get me a positivist, someone who knows about facts and can explain evidence.. I want an old school type,, you know, someone who wears Harris tweeds. ”
He did as he was told, but he surprised me. Out of my wits. The empiricist who arrived a few minutes later was not an old guy with a pipe as I had expected but a young woman in a stylish Harris tweed corseted jacket with hood. Very fashionable down under, I gather.
I explained to her that POTUS, our 45th president badly needed an understanding of evidence. Then I , grabbed the cooler with the wine and headed back to my garret to enjoy a sip or two of the Chateau La Fitte. –