Dear Friend,
You write all the way from Australia asking about news reports concerning te firing of F.B.I. director James B. Comey. The liberal media are full of such stories. That in itself shoyld make you wary.
Here are some alternative facts to put the matter in perspective: President Trump did not fire Jaems Comey. How could he? There is no James Comey, not any more, not even back then. In fact, there is no F.B.I. It hasn’t existed since the glory days of J. Edgar Hoover.
All these stories are fake news made up by Democrats to draw attention away from their humiliating election defeat last November.
In fact, we can now go one step further. Despite all the reports in the liberal media there is no Donald J. Trump. Fake news again! There is simply a profound moral vacuum hopping like a tornado from the Florida coast, to Washington to New York. It sucks into itself the concerns, worries, fears, anxieties and yearnings of the American people, fragments them, , extracts power from them and disgorges them as slogans, clichés, and temper tantrums. That’s a there is to it.
Rest assured.
May 2017