In the last blog post I passed over a few foundations that have helped liberal education by focusing on certain well defined areas. One such example is the Henry Luce Foundation, run by a talented and deeply committed president, Michael Gilligan.
Carols Schneider of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) reminded me that the Luce Foundation has supported their LEAP initiative, a crucial part in the effort to strengthen liberal education. Moreover, two-thirds of Luce’s grants in the past decade have gone directly to American colleges and universities or to organizations like AAC&U that support them. Michael Gilligan assures me that the Luce Foundation “remains very committed to higher education in this country, with a particular focus on scholarship and leadership development in the humanities and social sciences, reflected primarily in our program areas (American art, Asian studies, religion and international affairs, theology, and women in STEM disciplines … We’re proud of our continued focus [in these areas].”
And rightly so! It’s a strong record and deserves recognition. I wish there were more foundations that had an equally strong record.